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Pincites can now learn from your changes (when you want it to)


Pincites now gets better as you use it. Whenever you edit a suggestion you can opt to have Pincites learn from your changes.

Pincites can now learn from your changes to suggested redlines. Here's how it works:

  • Pincites suggests redlines to a contract based on your playbook
  • If a redline isn't perfect, you edit it and select "Learn from this"
  • Next time Pincites sees a similar issue it uses your edit to suggest a better redline

The saved edit is only used to improve suggestions for your organization. Pincites doesn't share your edits with other organizations, or incorporate them into models shared with other organizations.

When you first use this generation of AI tools it can feel like magic. Because they're built on models trained on billions of pages of text, there's no "cold start" problem. Tools like Pincites work straight out of the box, especially if you use our default check suites.

To fulfill their potential, though, AI tools need to learn your style and preferences. A mostly-correct suggestion is magical the first time you see it, but you still have to spend time correcting it. If the AI doesn't learn from your changes you'll have to fix the same issues again and again.

Pincites can now learn from your changes. When you choose to save an edit, as shown above, Pincites will use it to improve future suggestions for your organization. Alongside the instructions in your playbook, your saved edits essentially fine-tune Pincites to your style.

Want to learn more, and to see how Pincites can help you review contracts faster? Sign up for a free trial.