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Introducing third party paper support


Analyse third party paper in seconds with checks you define.

You can now use Pincites to analyse third party paper.

  • Pincites will run a suite of checks you have written when analysing any contract
  • The results are shown in Microsoft Word, alongside the Pincites first party paper experience
  • We'll soon launch suggested redlines to address the issues identified by the checks

A typical legal team is able to use their own paper 80% of the time. For the rest they must work on their counterparties' paper. But while the number of third party contracts is smaller, the work required to review them is often greater. Turnaround times for third party paper are often measured in days, not hours.

With “checks”, our latest release, Pincites can help. Our AI can read a third party contract in seconds and identify the key issues based on checks you define. Each check result is sourced with a pinpoint citation (a pincite) to the relevant text, allowing you to jump directly to the issue. In the near future we'll also include suggested redlines to address failing checks, based on your guidance.

Update: Pincites now suggests redlines to address failing checks

Finding issues in third party paper is only half the battle - we need to fix them. As of today (December 20th) Pincites will suggest redlines to address failing checks, based on your guidance. You can see it in action below:

Want to see how Pincites can help you review third party paper? Sign up for a free trial.