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Introducing clause-level checks: a faster way to review first party paper


Use checks to quickly analyze first party paper.

You can now create checks for clauses in your first party contracts, making it easy to review and negotiate redlines:

  • Write checks at the clause level that reference your first-party paper language
  • View clause-level check results as you click into redlines on your contract
  • Automatically respond with text and comments specifically designed for your paper

See how Pincites can quickly pinpoint issues in first party paper using checks:

Ever since introducing checks, Pincites customers have been able to quickly review documents and respond with automatically generated redlines/comments. Thus far, checks have been only available at the playbook level (analyzing the entire document). With clause-level checks, you can now create checks specifically for clauses, allowing you to incorporate your standard language and other clause-specific information for more precise checks!

Starting today, new playbooks will automatically have clause-level checks. After creating a playbook, you can add checks to any clause in Pincites by navigating to the associated clause in the Pincites web app. In the future, clause-level checks will be able to power insights/analytics for negotiation trends with first party paper.

Interested in exploring how Pincites can assist in your review of first-party documents? Sign up for a free trial.