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Changelog: December 27, 2024


You can now run your playbook on part of your contract in the Pincites Word add-in.

We're thrilled to introduce a new level of control in your contract reviews. With this update, you can now run your playbook on just a specific segment of your document, instead of analyzing the entire file. This feature is particularly useful for documents that include extra content—like addendums, appendices, or supplementary materials—that aren’t part of the main contract and don’t need to be considered in the playbook analysis. By narrowing the focus to the relevant sections, you’ll get more accurate and targeted insights while keeping the rest of your document intact.

To use this feature, simply highlight the portion of the document you want analyzed. Next, choose your playbook and click "Analyze only highlighted content." Need to revisit another section? No problem—you can highlight a new area or analyze the entire document whenever it suits you. This update gives you more precision, flexibility, and efficiency in managing your contracts with Pincites.

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